TDD with jest and typescript

Aaron Ross

Aaron Ross

Software Engineer / Web Developer @ EyeCue Lab

Testing software is essential and serves more functions than are immediately apparent. Good tests can ensure not only that a unit of code works as intended but, as an application grows, they provide a record of stability and when new developers come on to a project they provide a safety net against unintended side effects.

This article will walk through setting up test driven development in node using typescript and jest.

Get the code

completed example code for this article can be found here

Knowledge(graph) is Power!

Aaron Ross

Aaron Ross

Software Engineer / Web Developer @ EyeCue Lab

Recently I've been trying to get myself organized, and one thing that has been recommended to me time and again is the bullet journal method for tracking my daily tasks. Usually though, I can actually keep track of things for a day at a time and I can be rather productive when focused on tasks. My issue lies in connecting things over time:

I needed a something that could help me keep track not just of today's tasks, but help me connect yesterday's tasks with tomorrow's.

In steps logseq